
2024 AppSec Days Pacific Northwest Security Conference Schedule

Day 1 - Saturday, June 15 2024

Track One: Builder
Track Two: Breaker
8.00amRegistration and Continental Breakfast at Vendor Hall
9.00amOpening Talk
Coleen Coolidge
10.00amThe SCA Balancing Act: Understanding Tradeoffs, What to do and Avoid
Jamie Scott
Attacking GraphQL APIs
Mazin Ahmed
10.45amCoffee Break & Vendor Hall
11.15am30 Tips for Secure JavaScript
Tanya Janca
How to Reverse Engineer an Undocumented API
Dana Epp
1.00pmLunch Panel Q&A
1.30pmAfternoon Guest Talk
Jason Haddix
2.30pmFixing Broken Access Control
Omri Gazitt
Red Teaming the Software Supply Chain
Paul McCarty
3.15pmCoffee Break & Vendor Hall
3.45pmOWASP ASVS: A Methodical and Practical Approach to Application Security Testing
Ralph Andalis
Android and iOS Application Security with MobSF
Ajin Abraham
4.30pmIntroduction to OWASP Projects, Chapters, and Final Closing Remarks
5.00pmAfterparty - Steamworks - 375 Water St, Vancouver

Day 2 - Sunday, June 16 2024

Workshop One
Workshop Two
8.00amRegistration and Continental Breakfast at Vendor Hall
9.00amThe Art of Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Code
Dana Epp
Adding SAST to CI/CD, Without Losing Any Friends
Tanya Janca
Hackr0cks AppSec CTF
10.30amCoffee Break & Vendor Hall
11.00amThe Art of Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Code (cont)
Dana Epp
Adding SAST to CI/CD, Without Losing Any Friends (cont)
Tanya Janca
Hackr0cks AppSec CTF (cont)
1.30pmFinding Bugs and Scaling Your Security Program with Semgrep
Brandon Wu
Hack a GraphQL Web App
Jared Meit
Hackr0cks AppSec CTF (cont)
3.00pmCoffee Break & Vendor Hall
3.30pmFinding Bugs and Scaling Your Security Program with Semgrep (cont)
Brandon Wu
Hack a GraphQL Web App (cont)
Jared Meit
Hackr0cks AppSec CTF (cont)
4.30pmPrizes & final closing remarks